General Membership Zoom Meeting and Demo – the public is invited!



The Vienna Arts Society invites the public to a ZOOM art demonstration at its meeting on Thursday, September 10, 10:30 am to noon. Steve Myles, a VAS member and art instructor, invites you to draw a portrait along with him. All you need is a sheet of paper, pencils and an eraser. Click here for details, and for more about Steve.

Non-members are invited to join the meeting and demo by clicking on the Zoom link below.

Steve Myles will be introduced after a brief general membership meeting. Check out his website here

Suggested supplies:
a sheet of paper, a regular pencil and pencil sharpener, or drawing pencils if you have them (2B, 4B and 2H); tissues and a good eraser (a kneaded eraser if you have one).
Steve’s model will be this photo of Dame Judi Dench, which you can print out in color to refer to as you draw along with him. You can also print your own color photo of someone in a similar pose: full face and looking directly at the camera.

Meeting ID: 846 7015 7934
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Meeting ID: 846 7015 7934
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